Student cohort
Who should enroll in the Curriculum Management course?
This course is designed for newly hired student services staff members in the Schools of Earth Sciences, Education, Engineering, and Humanities & Sciences*, who hold the job responsibility of curriculum planning for the department. Students enrolling in this course should oversee at least one of the following activities to find this course beneficial to the curriculum management process at Stanford: course catalog maintenance, shaping the schedule of classes, setting up online course evaluations, preparing individual study classes, implementing class permission numbers and waitlists.
* Individuals within the School of Law, Graduate School of Business and School of Medicine should check with his/her manager if training is required.
This course is designed for newly hired student services staff members in the Schools of Earth Sciences, Education, Engineering, and Humanities & Sciences*, who hold the job responsibility of curriculum planning for the department. Students enrolling in this course should oversee at least one of the following activities to find this course beneficial to the curriculum management process at Stanford: course catalog maintenance, shaping the schedule of classes, setting up online course evaluations, preparing individual study classes, implementing class permission numbers and waitlists.
* Individuals within the School of Law, Graduate School of Business and School of Medicine should check with his/her manager if training is required.
Course PreRequisites
What are the prerequisites for the Curriculum Management course?
There are two main prerequisites for this course. First, all individuals participating in this course must be Stanford staff members. Second, all students must have completed the PeopleSoft Concepts and Compliance training required by Human Resources (HR) to begin this course. Please click the PeopleSoft Concepts and Compliance link to be directed to the training center.
There are two main prerequisites for this course. First, all individuals participating in this course must be Stanford staff members. Second, all students must have completed the PeopleSoft Concepts and Compliance training required by Human Resources (HR) to begin this course. Please click the PeopleSoft Concepts and Compliance link to be directed to the training center.
Technology Requirements
What are the technology requirements for the course?
A majority of the learning will be done directly on this website, with a few external applications involved such as Google Drive, Business Intelligence (BI) Reports and a PeopleSoft test environment (UAT2). You will need access to a computer with internet connectivity. Google Drive will also be heavily utilized in this course. When accessing Google Drive for the first time, please login with your Stanford credentials (SUNet and password). Google will then connect with the Stanford WebAuth process to log you in.
Each of the units within the Course Maintenance and Classroom Scheduling modules will entail a lecture (uploaded via Scribd) and practice exercises/assignments. The practice exercises will be performed in the UAT2 PeopleSoft test environment. Login credentials are the same for all Stanford applications: you will enter your SUNet, password and then have to two-step authenticate.
For tracking of the assignments and exercises, a Google spreadsheet will be used to track your progress. Please access the following link, and update your assignment/exercises progress as you go. This way the instructor will be able to check the progress of your work, and also review your submitted assignments to provide timely feedback. Google Drive Assignment Tracker
For the assignments, coursework reflections are assigned at the end of each of the units within the modules (Course Maintenance and Classroom Scheduling). These reflections will be drafted in Google Drive via the Google Doc application. Please access the following link, CM Reflection Notebook, and then 'Copy' the Google document and re-name as: CM_Reflection_Notebook_(lastname_department). Then, click the Share button in the upper right hand corner and share the document with [email protected]. This way the instructor will be able to provide comments on your work.
For further assistance on Google Drive, copying and sharing, please click the following link: Google Drive Training Center
Discussion forums will be utilized for students to interact with one another throughout the course. Again, please log in to the discussion forms with your Stanford SUNet and password. You will then be able to create posts and respond to your fellow classmates' questions.
Finally, the instructor is available to chat via Skype or Yahoo! instant messenger, Monday through Friday, 7:30am-4:00pm (PT). Please see the following links if interested in installing either of the platforms:
Installing Skype
Installing Yahoo! IM
A majority of the learning will be done directly on this website, with a few external applications involved such as Google Drive, Business Intelligence (BI) Reports and a PeopleSoft test environment (UAT2). You will need access to a computer with internet connectivity. Google Drive will also be heavily utilized in this course. When accessing Google Drive for the first time, please login with your Stanford credentials (SUNet and password). Google will then connect with the Stanford WebAuth process to log you in.
Each of the units within the Course Maintenance and Classroom Scheduling modules will entail a lecture (uploaded via Scribd) and practice exercises/assignments. The practice exercises will be performed in the UAT2 PeopleSoft test environment. Login credentials are the same for all Stanford applications: you will enter your SUNet, password and then have to two-step authenticate.
For tracking of the assignments and exercises, a Google spreadsheet will be used to track your progress. Please access the following link, and update your assignment/exercises progress as you go. This way the instructor will be able to check the progress of your work, and also review your submitted assignments to provide timely feedback. Google Drive Assignment Tracker
For the assignments, coursework reflections are assigned at the end of each of the units within the modules (Course Maintenance and Classroom Scheduling). These reflections will be drafted in Google Drive via the Google Doc application. Please access the following link, CM Reflection Notebook, and then 'Copy' the Google document and re-name as: CM_Reflection_Notebook_(lastname_department). Then, click the Share button in the upper right hand corner and share the document with [email protected]. This way the instructor will be able to provide comments on your work.
For further assistance on Google Drive, copying and sharing, please click the following link: Google Drive Training Center
Discussion forums will be utilized for students to interact with one another throughout the course. Again, please log in to the discussion forms with your Stanford SUNet and password. You will then be able to create posts and respond to your fellow classmates' questions.
Finally, the instructor is available to chat via Skype or Yahoo! instant messenger, Monday through Friday, 7:30am-4:00pm (PT). Please see the following links if interested in installing either of the platforms:
Installing Skype
Installing Yahoo! IM
What assignments are required for this course?
Over the month-long curriculum management course, students will be required to complete an assignment (either practice exercises and/or reflection) and a quiz for each unit within the Course Maintenance and Classroom Scheduling modules. Both of these tasks focus on the lecture material and ask you to put your knowledge to practice in the UAT2 PeopleSoft test environment or use of the BI Reporting tool.
Course Maintenance module
Course Catalog Components unit: 1 quiz, 1 reflection assignment
Course Webform Process unit: 1 quiz, 1 reflection assignment, practice exercises
Course Maintenance Reports unit: 1 quiz, 1 reflection assignment, practice exercises
Classroom Scheduling module
Scheduling Policies & Procedures unit: 1 quiz, 1 reflection assignment
Class Webform Process unit: 1 quiz, 1 reflection assignment, practice exercises
Class Permissions & Waitlists unit: 1 quiz, 1 reflection assignment, practice exercises
Individual Study Classes unit: 1 quiz, 1 reflection assignment, practice exercises
The reflections will be completed in your CM Reflection Notebook and you will track your progress on both assignments and reflections via the Google Spreadsheet.
The seven quizzes will be completed within each unit of the Course Maintenance and Classroom Scheduling modules. Please complete the quizzes after reviewing the lecture material and practice cases.
** Finally, there are no grades for this course. However, you are required to complete the course (and all assignments) within a month of starting the first unit in order to be granted advanced security within PeopleSoft. If you fail to complete all assignments, you will not be granted the advanced PeopleSoft security and your PeopleSoft department administrator will be notified. **
Lastly, there is no late policy or designated due dates for the assignments, except that all material must be complete by the end of the one month period. As an example, if you start the course on July 8th, you have until August 8th to complete the course and all the required assignments. We recommend pacing the course and assignments over the month-long period, rather than having to complete all of the units and coursework in the final week. The paced approach will also allow time for the instructor to provide detailed feedback on your work during the course.
Over the month-long curriculum management course, students will be required to complete an assignment (either practice exercises and/or reflection) and a quiz for each unit within the Course Maintenance and Classroom Scheduling modules. Both of these tasks focus on the lecture material and ask you to put your knowledge to practice in the UAT2 PeopleSoft test environment or use of the BI Reporting tool.
Course Maintenance module
Course Catalog Components unit: 1 quiz, 1 reflection assignment
Course Webform Process unit: 1 quiz, 1 reflection assignment, practice exercises
Course Maintenance Reports unit: 1 quiz, 1 reflection assignment, practice exercises
Classroom Scheduling module
Scheduling Policies & Procedures unit: 1 quiz, 1 reflection assignment
Class Webform Process unit: 1 quiz, 1 reflection assignment, practice exercises
Class Permissions & Waitlists unit: 1 quiz, 1 reflection assignment, practice exercises
Individual Study Classes unit: 1 quiz, 1 reflection assignment, practice exercises
The reflections will be completed in your CM Reflection Notebook and you will track your progress on both assignments and reflections via the Google Spreadsheet.
The seven quizzes will be completed within each unit of the Course Maintenance and Classroom Scheduling modules. Please complete the quizzes after reviewing the lecture material and practice cases.
** Finally, there are no grades for this course. However, you are required to complete the course (and all assignments) within a month of starting the first unit in order to be granted advanced security within PeopleSoft. If you fail to complete all assignments, you will not be granted the advanced PeopleSoft security and your PeopleSoft department administrator will be notified. **
Lastly, there is no late policy or designated due dates for the assignments, except that all material must be complete by the end of the one month period. As an example, if you start the course on July 8th, you have until August 8th to complete the course and all the required assignments. We recommend pacing the course and assignments over the month-long period, rather than having to complete all of the units and coursework in the final week. The paced approach will also allow time for the instructor to provide detailed feedback on your work during the course.
Required Readings
What readings are required for this course?
There are no required textbooks for this course. However, required readings (PowerPoint presentations, website links, .pdfs) will be assigned in each module labeled by the textbook icon. All readings will either be embedded via Scribd or linked to a .pdf document.
There are no required textbooks for this course. However, required readings (PowerPoint presentations, website links, .pdfs) will be assigned in each module labeled by the textbook icon. All readings will either be embedded via Scribd or linked to a .pdf document.
What grades will be assigned for this course?
There will be no grades for this course. However, you are required to complete the course (and all assignments) within a month of starting the first unit in order to be granted advanced security within PeopleSoft. The instructor will evaluate each of your assignments (test scenarios and reflection notebooks) within each module, to ensure the concepts are being accurately reflected in your work. Upon completion of the course, your security will be updated and you will be presented with a Certificate of Completion for Curriculum Management in PeopleSoft.
If you fail to complete all assignments, you will not be granted the advanced PeopleSoft security and your PeopleSoft department administrator will be notified.
There will be no grades for this course. However, you are required to complete the course (and all assignments) within a month of starting the first unit in order to be granted advanced security within PeopleSoft. The instructor will evaluate each of your assignments (test scenarios and reflection notebooks) within each module, to ensure the concepts are being accurately reflected in your work. Upon completion of the course, your security will be updated and you will be presented with a Certificate of Completion for Curriculum Management in PeopleSoft.
If you fail to complete all assignments, you will not be granted the advanced PeopleSoft security and your PeopleSoft department administrator will be notified.
Class Accessibility
For those with accessibility needs, what accommodations are available?
Our goal is to provide a course that all students can enjoy and benefit from in learning the curriculum management process. As we understand the course design is "text-centric", for those individuals who prefer to have the information read back to you, please download one of the following web browser extensions. These extensions will allow you to select text within your browser, and the application will then read back the highlighted text. In addition, we have added subtitles to all of our videos to ensure all individuals within our learning audience can excel with the course material.
SpeakIt! for Google Chrome
Text-to-Voice for FireFox
Our goal is to provide a course that all students can enjoy and benefit from in learning the curriculum management process. As we understand the course design is "text-centric", for those individuals who prefer to have the information read back to you, please download one of the following web browser extensions. These extensions will allow you to select text within your browser, and the application will then read back the highlighted text. In addition, we have added subtitles to all of our videos to ensure all individuals within our learning audience can excel with the course material.
SpeakIt! for Google Chrome
Text-to-Voice for FireFox
Academic Integrity
Do professional development students have to follow the Stanford Honor Code?
Yes. All students are expected to abide by the Stanford Honor Code with regard to classwork, activities, and assignments related to their online classes. Plagiarism refers to the unattributed, direct copying of language and/or ideas from a source other than yourself. This includes translations of source material into the target language. Plagiarism is strictly forbidden as a part of Stanford's Honor Code. |
Course Evaluations
Will I be able to provide feedback both during and at the conclusion of the course?
Students will be emailed the two forms below, one during the course and one after finishing all of the modules. The intention is to allow the student to provide feedback for the instructor to help and understand both the student's perspective and to improve the course moving forward for future cohorts. Please only submit one response per each form. Curriculum Management mid-course evaluation Curriculum Management end-of-course evaluation |
Please review the Learning Objectives and Curriculum Management Timeline.