Learning Objectives
- Understand key course catalog components and class scheduling policies and procedures for the planning process
- Understand the correlation between course webforms and the course catalog and class/facility webforms and the Schedule of Classes
- Recognize the difference between submitting updates for current courses and classes, and the process of submitting changes for the next academic year
- Use the Time Schedule Report and Course Catalog Report to identify any discrepancies in course/class set up prior to the term opening for enrollment
- Increase awareness on the WASC unit-for-credit policies
- Identify courses in the course catalog that do not fall within WASC policies and make corrections via the course webform
- Understand the unit-for-credit policy correlation to “hours of in class instruction” in the Schedule of Classes
Curriculum Management Timeline
The timeline below displays the curriculum planning process over the period of the academic year. Please use this model only for reference as you should always be preparing for the next academic years through discussions with your faculty: